Tuesday, October 19, 2010

6 Days in the Karoo


I had a bad feeling about this ride from the start. In hindsight, that's why I needed to go on this ride so badly.

I realize now how messed up I was mentally. Things were not running smoothly in various aspects of my life. Especially on the business front. Realistically I could not leave now. Things needed to be sorted.

But lets start at the beginning.

October is the time of the year my wife and I usually take our holiday. We celebrate both her birthday and our anniversary in October (14 years married this year ).  2 years ago we took the bike on our Love & War Tour. Last year the whole family went on holiday together and this year we headed out on the bike again.

As it happens there was a family wedding coming up in Kimberly. We have family all over the country and sadly we only see each other at weddings and funerals, so this was an opportunity not to be missed. We planned our holiday ride around this event.

As the date of departure approached we hit crises after crises. I felt dejected. It felt like if something else could go wrong it would. I checked the medikit, I made sure I had my bee sting medication, I made sure the insurance and life policies were paid in full, I e-mailed our route to friends in case someone had to search for us...

When you see the easy route we took you'll realize how ludicrous this was. I was going out of my mind.

The long term forecast for our ride:

The plan was to leave on Thursday the 7th of October at 7am.

Get Distance, Get Objectivity.

Via Orania

Touring Mode

The Day we got our "Mojo" back



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