Just in Rundu now North Namibia. Tried to get an Angolan visa here last Wednesday, but it was closed and they were away Thursday, Friday, today and Monday so they told me to come back Friday.
So I'm off to the Okavango panhandle for a look then back here Friday for a visa? Maybe. I went from Oshakati north to Eenshana and east to Okongo, then Rundu. Dirt roads and bull dust covering the potholes no nasty ones though. Had one police license & passport check he wanted cigarettes so i told him i don't smoke and i'm looking after his health by not giving him any, that made him laugh.
Lots of big trees and bush this way near the river and crops near Rundu. Staying at Samsitu camp on the river, nice place 19 km west of Rundu . I'm the main entertainment when i get to town now. The river has got lots of wildlife you expect David Attenborough to stick his head around the corner anytime. On a canoe trip I saw Giant Kingfishers, Herons, Eagles and a Croc on the way back so time to get out of the river. At the camp lots of birds and a Bushbabby, Spitting cobras and also a small spotted genet cat type thing. Saw a couple of black albinos very bright pink skin.
On the fire lighting smoke doesn't necessarily mean fire, but getting better at rubbing 2 sticks together. The kids make you laugh trying to race you down the road i let them keep up for a while then unleash the beast with a full 16 horsepower showering them with dust.
Till next time, take it easy.

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