The next morning LGF and Operator had to leave early because they still had to get to Cape Town that day. LGF even set an alarm, but I was up before that. I got up with the sun at approx. 4:30 am. I walked through a quiet camp and got the fire going. Then I got back in my bed and just listened.
The view from my bed:

My roof:

The camp, with Asterix still sleeping on the right.

Soon after the camp started moving. Some coffee and LGF and Operator said their goodbyes. Operator did not have the perfect start to his ride today

But once he was up on his pegs the uphill was easy.

We also packed. I still had some places to show the group before they left. EttienneNXR riding out.

Asterix dropped it on some big stones.

He made the uphill look easy though!

I picked a scenic route to get us to the top of the mountain for some spectacular views. This route included more uphills though.

The view from the top:

What an unbelievable ride we had! I did not want it to be over.
Tok-tokkie, Rooipoot and EttienneNXR rode back to George with me to refuel etc. This is where I hatched a plan to ride with them for a bit, showing them the roads that hug the mountain (that doesn't show on the maps). I also wanted to take them through the Game reserve where LGF and I saw the Rhinos on the first day.

Unfortunately the Rhinos were shy today. We did see some other wildlife though.

And the the final goodbye.

Thanks for a great ride guys. I could not have asked for a better group to share this experience with.

Continue to Tok-tokkie's Ride Report
1 comment:
That's some real nice countryside there, TR.
Not sure about those rocky hills, though.
I've got a KLR 250 now. Be a good bike for those trails.
great scenry shots. I'm loving small bore trailies more and more.
Cheers: Jaqhama
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