It was that time of the year again. Time for the Southern Cape WD get together.
December is a very busy time if you live at the coast, but even with all the family commitments we make time to meet the people we chat to via the forums all year and put faces to the forum names.
This event had humble beginnings and sort off just happened to grow into an annual thing. Our previous gatherings were all in Attakwaskloof and always on the 23rd.
2007 2008 2009
This year we decided to make some changes: We had a change of venue. Once again a great scenic spot - Meijer's Rust - with lots of space and the whole venue was secured for our exclusive use. We also had a change of date. Camping on the 23rd means that we ride back on the 24th and get home tired and dirty. The 24th however is the date where lots of families get together, exchange gifts etc so this year we had the get together on the evening of 26th.
We had old faces and new with people from all over South Africa that happened to holiday in the Garden Route attending. We even had some riders from the Cape area ride in especially for the event. But I am again getting ahead of myself. Lets start at the beginning:
We had several riders and groups coming in from various directions. The guys in the George area decided to ride to the venue together.
We gathered at a predetermined spot and soon everybody was there.
Some of the Mosselbay guys arriving in George:
Even meandering to the campsite via dirt roads, we only had 80km to ride today and seeing how this was a social event, the ride was, erm, very social!
Our first stop was at Amanda's Grave for the obligatory pic, a massive 11.5km from where we started.
After a while we hit the road again riding though Herold and Paardepoort Pass:
Now anybody who's ridden with LGF will know that he HATES making stops he deems unnecessary, so we rode a whole lot further before our second stop at the Heimersrivier cross, an almost 50% longer ride than the first stint at 16.3km.
I thought my friend LGF would be happy with the massive increase in distance covered,
Some pics along the 3rd stretch:
(Photo by LGF)
Spirits were high and jokes and laughter abounded.
But of course, after a while we had to hit the road again. After all, the guy on the bicycle we saw on Montagu pass had passed us again at every rest stop and the bicycle was making better time towards De Rust than we were!
"Herrie se Plek" in De Rust would be our next stop - a whole 24.7km from here.
Arriving in De Rust we found that the Police had set up a massive road block just outside De Rust where we were to exit, but stopped about 200m from them for lunch.
As it turns out bikers in a restaurant can outlast police officers standing in the sun so they left before we did.
Our destination was only about 3km out of town and the camp site on the farm < 10km further along a private pass.
(Photo by LGF)
I may have underestimated the condition of the road a tad (what can I say - it happens on my rides
(Photo by LGF)
Soon we arrived at the camping spot and set up camp. A few guys decided to walk to a nearby pool while others got the party started.
(Photo by LGF)
Some views from out camping spot:
(Photo by LGF)
(Photo by LGF)
(Photo by LGF)
The group:
(Photo by LGF)
(Photo by LGF)
Partying, jokes and laughter late in to the night.
The rest of the pics are censored...
Early morning camp:
Rooies and the Mrs:
They came all the way from Gauteng. Was nice meeting you guys.
Weskus' group:
Thanks for riding all the way here guys. We really enjoyed your company.
Some of the scenery on the way down:
(Photo by LGF)
I had the next set of family arriving that day so I hightailed it home. Did take one pic near Dysselsdorp though:
Thanks to all that attended and a special thanks to fatb who organized basically the whole thing.
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