This "Roam Free" ride certainly took some unexpected directions. We didn't ride North like I expected and instead of stealth camping in the forest we woke up in luxury.

Oppipad B&B:

After a breakfast fit for Kings we set off. Rovrat still had to get to Hermanus today, but we kept to the secondary roads, exploring minor roads whenever the opportunity presented itself. Not far down the road we spotted this tower. Could we get up there?

I'm sure we could, but how? We rode to the nearest farm and asked if we can ride over their land to the tower. The friendly lady gave us permission & directions but asked that we do not make a fire. No problem! Our first gravel for the day:

Soon the road turns into a one lane tar pass that runs up to the tower. What luck! Just look at this!

And a view to die for!

High on the mountain and high on life!

There are great views in every single direction. We lingered a while, drinking in the scenery. Then we rode down slowly not really wanting to leave. We wanted to ride passes this weekend, but we never thought we'd ride an unknown private pass. This pass knocks the socks off many "official" passes as far as scenery go.

We headed West on the secondary roads again until "Stormsriver Pass" caught our eye on the GPS. Seems like a very minor road so we just had to go and have a look.

But soon we could go no further. Seems like it's a foot or bicycle path?

The way out again:

Next up - Bloukrans Pass. This pass is currently closed to traffic. What luck!

This is a very scenic pass! It reminds me a lot of the Saasveld road next to George. The fact that the pass is closed means that we would have been able to stealth camp here with ease. Maybe, in the not too distant future...

Just out of Bloukrans Pass we saw a bike approaching. As it turns out it's another Wild Dog!
Hallo Fugly!

Next up - Grootrivier Pass. Another tick on my Quest!

More great views:

On the way down we came across this group having a leisurely time

Rovrat joining in

I must say he does a baboon impression well

Riding through Nature's Valley we saw a little trail running down to the river and naturally we took it. Roam Free indeed! In fact we were both just trying to delay the inevitable end to what was truly an epic epic ride.

Another good stealth camping spot.

When we reached Plett we had to push on. We rode along the Garden Route on this splendid day replaying the weekend's ride in our memories.
Our route today:

This was one of those special rides that you can not plan or go on. They just happen.
Thanks Sakkie, Bakkie & Rovrat for making it one of the most memorable rides I've been on.

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