The next morning we rose to the most glorious day. 
Our lodging for the night:

(Photo by SW Burger)
We had some rain during the night and this morning everything was fresh and green. We also had much more time today to soak it all in.

First we decided to head further into the Kloof to see why we could not get to Boplaas.

That's a good reason...

(Photo by Eugene)
Think I can make it?

Lets not tempt fate unnecessarily...
Cruising through the Kloof:

And looking back into this glorious place. Heavenly it is.

Such scenery. Luckily we're not pushed for time today.

(Photo by Eugene)

We even had time to fix a puncture - three times!

And finishing the ride with Swartberg Pass:

(Photo by SW Burger)
So? What happened?
Well, the helmet cam works a charm. I wouldn't have put the buttons on the throttle hand side though.
Oh! You mean with the "Bosberaad". Exciting times ahead!

Lots of ideas were bounced around the camp fire. It set the tone for what T4A wants to develop and notably the old 4th dimension Honeybadger is always referring to is coming to a reality. It's a concept of some platform on which to publish more than just points and lines, but rather rich (useful) content using different sources and media to provide maximum information and a richer experience to the traveller.
The term Travel Informed was coined and later changed to Travel Africa Informed based on input from the T4A forum.
With new technology available in the GPS unit and smart phone market new opportunities arise also with not only T4A maps but also content, information and links to reports of the area you're travelling in. There's to much to go into here, but keep an eye out for T4A on your smart phone in the very near future. Also, if you have a new T4A SD card in your GPS unit have a look under Where To> Extras > T4A Africa Guide. Johann impressed two heavy weight T4A users with this, one being Honeybadger himself!
On the hardcopy side T4A already offer paper maps in addition to the GPS maps and these might even expand to include "guidebooks" in future.
The landscape, as far as travel information is concerned, is changing. Like I said - Exciting times ahead!

Travel Africa Informed.

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