Suddenly my mindset changed into “Dual Sport” mode. I wasn't riding any more, I was “touring” and even though I was sticking to the blacktop I still stopped every so often just to admire and take in the surroundings.

This area is well known as a wine, grape and fruit growing area. It is lush and green and has beautiful landscapes.

And on a bike like this, how do you resist a road like this?

The last stretch to the camp site was gravel so it took I slowly, but the Harley took it (and especially the sand stretch) in it's stride. I have come to realize that (low) seat height (and low centre of gravity) makes a massive difference in how you experience technical conditions.
And I had the fastest bike there.

(Photo by whitedelight)
The Bash venue this year was at the Breede Otter, a cocktail cruise boat on the Breede River.

It's a very nice spot and comes highly recommended, even though the facilities were sparse (they're still busy getting all the infrastructure in place). I had a quiet chuckle when the “most hard core” Dual Sport bikers who all had an opinion about the Harley, were the first ones who complained at the lack of luxuries.

(Photo by Biker Chick)
It did not take long for the festivities to start. It was very good seeing some old friends again.

(Photo by Sprocketbek)
And the Dual Sport fraternity has some pretty lasses too!

LGF trying to look “Harley cool”.

This year had some interesting things to eat as well.
Bokkoms (sun dried fish) Yum!

But I drew the line at the sheeps' heads!

Horsepower enjoying his:

Sunset cruise:

(Photo by Sprocketbek)
The party lasted till deep into the night...

(Photo by Sprocketbek)

(Photo by briv)
As I never pitched a tent I ended up sleeping on the bank of the Breede River. Luckily the mosquitoes kept away!

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